
domingo, 21 de junio de 2015

Spanish Lit Month 2015

Whilst Stu of Winstonsdad's Blog and I were kind of criminally late getting around to deciding on it this year, "it's all good" because we've decided to throw another Spanish Lit Month shindig next month in honor of the kindred spirits who as we speak are probably practically frothing at the mouth at the idea of stealing books off my Bolaño & Borges shelf!  Naturally, absolutely everybody is invited to "participate" in SLM 2015 whether you actually covet my beloved books or not. All you have to do to attend the party is to read and write about one or more pieces of Spanish language literature or Catalan language literature (read in the original or in translation) in the month of July and then let Stu or me know about it so we can collect the links for others to check out.  Not sure what you'd like to read?  No problem!  Consider joining us for a group read of Adolfo Bioy Casares' La invención de Morel [The Invention of Morel] near the end of the month.  More details forthcoming--but until then, here are the books people read for Spanish Lit Month 2014 as the event continued on into stoppage time in August: