
domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2018

Spanish and Portuguese Lit Months 2018: 8/26-8/31 Links

With Spanish and Portuguese Lit Months 2018 now over, I'd like to thank everybody who helped make it happen this year and to thank Stu for letting me co-host it with him again.  I had a lot of fun and hope you all found something of interest--a new blog, a great book, whatever--along the way as well.  Anyway, here's the last week's worth of links generated by the event.  On a related note, I'll be running a month-long version of the Argentinean Literature of Doom in December this year if anybody cares to join me for some end of the year gnashing of teeth.  Stay tuned for further details eventually and/or check out last year's welcome post here if you have no idea what I'm talking about.  Cheers.

Agnese, Beyond the Epilogue
The Iliac Crest by Cristina Rivera Garza

David Hebblethwaite, David's Book World
Fish Soup by Margarita García Robayo

Joseph Screiber, roughghosts

Juliana Brina, the [blank] garden
Hilda Hilst (profile and bibliography)
Because there is desire within me, everything glimmers (poems by Hilda Hilst)

lizzysiddal, Lizzy's Literary Life
#edbookfest 2018: Teresa Solana

Paul, By the Firelight
Largo noviembre de Madrid (Madrid's Long November) by Juan Edwardo Zúñiga

Richard, Caravana de recuerdos
"Mimoso" by Silvina Ocampo

Scott, seraillon