
martes, 1 de julio de 2008

Catalogne, the Magazine

Dear Readers,

Finnish catalanophile Merike of Finès entre tots i totes fame, one of my blog friends, recently asked me for some more information about a travel magazine I had mentioned on her site. Rather than burying the details in another comment box, I decided to post the information here in case anybody else out there is also interested in vacation ideas for Barcelona and other parts of Catalunya.

The magazine in question is called Méditerranée Magazine, a French language publication of Milan Presse , and the Catalogne special issue is from Spring 2008. Since I've only really flipped through the thing at this point, I can't comment on the quality of the coverage--but here's a list of the contents for whatever it's worth.
  • Chronologie
  • Tarragone laisse du temps au temps
  • Sagrada Familia, la cathédrale ensorcelée
  • Le musée total (le musée de la Science)
  • Lazlo Kubala, l'apatride catalan
  • L'ombre du temps (le photographe catalan Francesc Català-Roca)
  • Route buissonière de Port-Bou au delta de l'Èbre
  • D'amour et de vin rouge (Priorat, Penedès, Conca de Barberà)
  • Entre le ciel et la terre (des parc naturels situés dans les différentes montagnes catalanes)
  • Domènech i Montaner: l'autre architecte
  • Des châteaux en Espagne (ou presque...) (la tradition des "châteaux humains")
  • La Bisbal, la mutation des potiers
  • Suivez le guide
  • Agenda
  • Bibliographie
Before I go, here's a link for more tourist/cultural reading about Catalonia with descriptions in French and info in Catalan. And for those interested in a couple of other morsels on France and the other side of Spain from a less touristy perspective, I'll have a bite-sized book review post on the pilgrimage to Santiago and a movie review on Buñuel's La Voie lactée (1969) coming soon. Fins aviat!

1 comentario:

  1. Ostres, I have now found this by accident! It has been written during my summer vacation. Now I understand why people are coming to my blog via yours, lol!!! They always say Oysters in Catalonian blogs. I haven't got a clue what they mean by that, not the actual creature I am sure:-) Come for a visit to get a new pel.licula! Salut!
