
miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

The Cairo Trilogy Readalong

After test-driving Naguib Mahfouz's sporty little Miramar over the summer, I knew I was ready to slide behind the wheel of his 1,360 page The Cairo Trilogy before the end of the year (please pardon the comparison, but I think the "manly man" in me is undoubtedly reacting to all the Persephone catalog love that I've been seeing around the blogosphere of late!).  As luck would have it, a few of my dearest blogging friends said they'd also be interested in reading this 1956-57 classic with me. Would you, too, care to join us?  If so, let me know and I'll add you to the list below.  In the meantime, the schedule is as follows:

December 26-27th: Palace Walk posts and discussions
January 30th-31st: Palace of Desire posts and discussions
February 27th-28th: Sugar Street posts and discussions

The dates above correspond to the last Sunday and Monday of each month, but feel free to post whenever you like (I'll collect links to your posts after mine are up to make the blog visiting easier).  Have you read part of The Cairo Trilogy already or just aren't sure that you want to commit to a three months-long group read with a bunch of strangers?  No problem!  Join us for a single book if you'd like.  You can also just join us for the discussions if that makes thing easier for you.  Anyway, hope some of you out there will consider reading along with us.  Cheers!

Which edition of The Cairo Trilogy should you read?
Alas, I have no idea as yet!  I've been eyeing the Everyman's Library omnibus edition up top because I like carrying unnecessarily heavy books around with me.  However, the Anchor three-pack above also looks pretty nifty and the volumes are sold separately for easier portability.  To complicate matters, Emily has a post here where she displays two more spiffy covers (from the UK's Transworld Publishers, Ltd., if I'm not mistaken).  Anybody have any advice on the best translation?

Probable Participants
Claire of kiss a cloud

17 comentarios:

  1. I've read them and I loved them. I hope you'll have a good time reading this too.

  2. Looking forward to it, man! (Although, my editions ARE a little girlier than either of the other options, haha.)

  3. I've wondered about Mahfouz, enjoyed reading your thoughts on Miramar, and I shall read your collected thoughts on this trilogy with interest.

  4. Oh wow, I would so love to join in...but I just don't have the time. Damn. Can't wait to hear what you think about it!

  5. Richard, haven't we discussed book blogger baiting? Now go wash down your machismo suppressant with a Sarah suggested ale while I sign you up for the Persephone Secret Santa gift exchange. You have not read a one of them have you?

    Excited about this and went the Everyman route myself. The posting schedule is also easier for me than our Friday schedule. Many thanks for organizing!

  6. *Bookaroundthecorner: Thanks--I've heard so many good things about the trilogy!

    *Emily: Me, too! By the way, you cracked me up with that "girlier" crack, lady...

    *Anthony: Thanks--I'm sure there will be some fun conversations to follow given the quality of all the other bloggers/readers!

    *Emily Jane: Thanks! I understand the time constraints thing, but feel free to join in last minute if anything changes.

    *Frances: I, uh, ahem, don't remember the subject of blogger baiting ever coming up before, but thanks so much for reminding me about the pumpkin ale in my fridge. What a refreshing idea! Am psyched to have you and the rest of the gang reading along on this and glad to hear that the posting schedule will make things easier for you. P.S. Love all those covers, but it's the Everyman's Library edition that's calling my name!

  7. Those covers you posted are the ones I'm gearing towards.. they feel very nostalgic. But pricier, I'm afraid. Waiting for The Book Dep to put them on sale, lol.

  8. *Claire: Price is a consideration for me as well, but my bigger problem is that I like all the covers! What to do, what to do...

  9. I finally started reading them the year Mahfouz died. They are pretty impressive. It is worth noting that he wrote them as one book, but it was too big for the publishers so he made it a trilogy. (He says that some where in Ghitani's book of conversations with Mafhouz).

  10. *Bythefirelight: Interesting information--I wasn't aware of that. Am pretty eager to get going on the trilogy since I've heard so many good things about it. Cheers!

  11. Been meaning to say that Mahfouz and the Cairo Trilogy have been on my radar for a while and I've been thinking to read them (at least the first one as a start). Was quite surprised to find you're having the read-along. I'm not sure I can join at the assigned time, but hopefully I'll be reading it soon as well.

    ps: I love the cute covers (as on Emily's post). Been eyeing those ones on Book Depo for a while!

  12. *Mee: Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, but I'm glad to hear that so many others are interested in reading the Cairo Trilogy someday. As for me, I love all the covers unfortunately!

  13. I'm late in saying that I want to participate in this read-a-long! December might be more of a challenge because of the holidays, but I'm going to do my best!

    I read Mahfouz several years ago, but not this series. I'd like to revisit him.

  14. Finally made a decision about this readalong. I didn't want to start another series until I finished Proust, but I also can't think of a better group of people to read this with. It would be a shame not to share the experience. So I'm in. :)

  15. *Valerie: So glad to have you joining us! Please don't worry about the discussion deadlines--those are only target dates. In any event, it'll be great to have your savvy as a previous Mahfouz reader on board with us. Cheers!

    *Sarah: Yay--now it's a full on party! And ditto the nice things about the group as a whole. I just bought my copy of Palace Walk tonight, so I'm eager to dig in despite identifying with the reading overload you hint at with your Proust comment. Hope you have fun!

  16. I've enjoyed what little Mahfouz I have read and would love to join you in the readalong.

  17. Sandra: Wonderful--and belated welcome to the readalong! I'll keep an eye out for your posts after I get my own first one up. Cheers!
