
viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

TBR by Country: Argentina

la sala de café de la librería Eterna Cadencia
Honduras 5582
Palermo, Bs.As.

OK, so maybe I need to slow down on buying books from Argentina for a while.  Or stop accepting them as gifts from my in-laws.  In the meantime, here's a found photo of what's probably my favorite bookstore in Buenos Aires, Eterna Cadencia, naturally located just a short distance away from both calle J.L. Borges and Plazoleta Cortázar.  As always, feel free to let me know if you have any questions about the following authors or titles and/or if you care to share a comment about Argentinean literature in general.  Next TBR list: books I own from Spanish or Italian authors now waiting to be read.  Totals to date: Argentina (47) + France (32) = 79 books in the TBR.
1) Aguirre, Osvaldo.  Rocanrol (Beatriz Viterbo Editora).
2) Aguinis, Marcos.  El atroz encanto de ser argentinos (Booket).
3) _____.  La pasión según Carmela (Sudamericana).
4) Aira, César.  Las aventuras de Barbaverde (Mondadori).
5) Arlt, Roberto.  El paisaje en las nubes: Crónicas en El Mundo 1937-1942 (Fondo de Cultura Económica).
6) Barsky, Julián y Osvaldo.  La Buenos Aires de Gardel (Editorial Sudamericana).
7) Bioy Casares, Adolfo.  La invención de Morel (Booket).
8) Bonasso, Miguel.  Recuerdo de la muerte (Booket) [partially read].
9) Borges, Jorge Luis.  Ficciones (Biblioteca Borges/Alianza Editorial) [partially read].
10) _____.  Historia universal de la infamia (Biblioteca Borges/Alianza Editorial) [partially read].
11) _____.  Narraciones (Cátedra) [partially read].
12) Caparrós, Martín.  El interior (Planeta/Seix Barral) [partially read].
13) Chaves, Gonzalo Leonidas y Lewinger, Jorge Omar.  Los del 73: Memoria Montonero (De la Campana).
14) Conti, Haroldo.  Cuentos completos (Emecé).
15) Cortázar, Julio.  Bestiaro (Punto de Lectura).
16) _____.  Cuentos completos/3 (Punto de Lectura).
17) _____.  Rayuela (Cátedra) + Hopscotch (Pantheon) [partially read].
18) Eloy Martínez, Tomás.  La mano del amo (Alfaguara).
19) Fogwill.  Cuentos completos (Alfaguara).
20) Fontanarrosa, Roberto.  Te digo más...y otros cuentos (Ediciones De la Flor).
21) Fresán, Rodrigo.  Mantra (Mondadori) [partially read].
22) _____.  Vidas de santos (Debolsillo).
23) González, Betina.  Arte menor (Clarín/Alfaguara).
24) Hernández, José.  Martín Fierro (Kapelusz).
25) Lanata, Jorge.  ADN: Mapa genético de los defectos argentinos (Planeta).
26) Mancilla, Lucio V.  Una excursión a los indios ranqueles (Edicol).
27) Marechal, Leopoldo.  Adán Buenosayres (Fondo de Cultura Económica).
28) Martínez, Guillermo.  Borges y la matemática (Seix Barral).
29) Martínez Estrada, Ezequiel.  Radiografía de la pampa (Losada).
30) Morales, Bruno.  Bolivia Construcciones (La Nación/Editorial Sudamericana).
31) Olsorio, Elsa.  Cielo de tango (Planeta).
32) Pauls, Alan.  El pasado (Anagrama).
33) Piglia, Ricardo.  La invasión (Anagrama).
34) Premat, Julio.  Héroes sin atributos: Figuras de autor en la literatura argentina (Fondo de Cultura Económica).
35) Rolón, Gabriel.  Historias de diván: Ocho relatos de vida (Planeta).
36) Rosendo González, Pablo.  La Argentimna fuera de sí (Editorial Sudamericana).
37) Sabato, Ernesto.  España en los diarios de mi vejez (Seix Barral).
38) Saer, Juan José.  Glosa (Seix Barral).
39) _____.  Trabajos (Seix Barral).
40) Saítta, Sylvia.  El escritor en el bosque de ladrillos: una biografía de Roberto Arlt (Debolsillo) [bought at Eterna Cadencia!].
41) Santucho, Julio.  Los últimos guevaristas: La guerilla marxista en la Argentina (Byblos).
42) Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino.  Facundo (Cátedra).
43) Sorensesn, Diana.  A Turbulent Decade Remembered: Scenes from the Latin American Sixties (Stanford University Press).
44) Strafacce, Ricardo.  La banda del Dr. Mandrile contra los corazones solitarios seguido de La conversación (Beatriz Viterbo Editora).
45) Walsh, Rodolfo.  El violento oficio de escribir: Obra periodística (1953-1977) (Ediciones De la Flor).
46)  _____. Variaciones en rojo (Ediciones De la Flor).
47) Nouzeilles, Gabriela and Montaldo, Graciela, eds.  The Argentina Reader: History, Culture, Politics (Duke University Press).

7 comentarios:

  1. The only work I recognize in your list is the Borges, which I have sitting on my shelf. In one of those peculiar twists of logic, I really really want to read it and so I keep putting it off to read other things I want to read less...

    I'm curious though, since I'm not familiar with most of the authors, are many of these titles that are only available in Spanish, or is there a healthy level of translation of Argentinian works?

  2. Amanda, good question! I'm not sure without doing the legwork, but I think about a dozen of the titles are available in English--most recently the Juan José Saer one, which was given a ridiculous (completely different) title for its U.S. publication. I'm not sure I'd label the Argentine author-in-translation scene "healthy," but certain authors (Aira, Cortázar, Manuel Puig) are readily available and others (Eloy Martínez, Fresán, Piglia, Saer) are becoming more so...at least online and in libraries. P.S. I totally get that "peculiar twist of logic" you mention!

  3. Instead of being sad that your Argentina list is so much longer than my entire Latin America list, I will remind myself that I am giving Argentina more space than anyone else (I think), between Borges, Piglia, Aira, and Arlt (probably). And maybe Bioy. Okay must stop reading list now!

  4. Nicole, those authors you mention will definitely make a fine contribution to your reading project entertainment--sounds like a good start to me! Of course, I'm now wondering whether you're thinking about reading Bioy's slender little The Invention of Morel (supposedly a must-read) or his 1,600-page Borges biography/diary--I want to read both...eventually!!

  5. Ha, the former, the former! (I'll take that "eventually," of course.)

  6. I'd be interested in what you think of the Fresan. I watched an interview with him on El Publico Lee and had some mixed impressions.

  7. *Nicole: Ok, you passed the sanity test! As for me...I'm thinking about dipping into that double doorstopper next year. How bad could be it to read about dinner with Borges for hundreds of pages anyway?!? :D

    *Bythefirelight: I've read the first part of Mantra twice and been EXTREMELY bowled over both times, but something about the second part of the novel keeps stalling me. Really need to figure that one out! Have also enjoyed a few pieces (articles, opinion pieces) by Fresán I've seen online, but I'm not sure I've read enough to have a solid opinion about him yet.
