
sábado, 30 de junio de 2012

"Eugénie Grandet" et "L'Éducation sentimentale" Group Reads

Eugénie Grandet

Sentimental Education

With Spanish Lit Month finally set to kick off within a few short hours now, estimados lectores/chers lecteurs, I thought I'd take advantage of what little time is left in June to bring your attention to two French group reads (oui, deux of them!) that I'm looking forward to participating in this summer.  First up is Balzac's 1833 Eugénie Grandet, which Bellezza of Dolce Bellezza and I will be discussing sometime during the last three days of July.  Next up is Flaubert's 1869 L'Éducation sentimentale [Sentimental Education], which Frances of Nonsuch Book, Bellezza, and I will be posting on during the weekend of August 24th-26th.  Feel free to join us for either or both of these works if interested and time permits.

8 comentarios:

  1. I cannot even tell you how excited I am to read these novels with you (and Frances)!!! Oui, c'est vrai!

    1. Glad to hear that, Bellezza--I'm super excited as well. And what a hardcore Francophile you are making time to read both of these books with me/us!

    2. Well, I love France almost as much as Italy. ;)

    3. I can relate: I'm a fan of all the Romance language-speaking countries for one reason or another!

  2. What great choices. They have a connection, too, in that Eugénie Grandet seems to me the most Flaubertian of Balzac novels.

    1. I look forward to those connections, Tom, although I must hang my head in shame and confess that this will be my first Balzac. Happy to hear you think they're both great choices, though.

  3. I have never quite appreciated Balzac as much as I feel I should, but L'Education Sentimentale is among my favourite novels. I look forward to your posts.

    1. Himadri, belated thanks for the comment and the thumbs up on L'Éducation sentimentale. Looking forward to both novels, but that's the one I'm really excited about. Cheers!
