
viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

July-December Foreign Film Festival and World Cinema Series Links

Adrián Caetano's Bolivia (2001)

Since I think I'll be taking a break from the blog sometime soon, I'll be combining all movie links for my Foreign Film Festival and Caroline's World Cinema Series here for the second half of the year.  While I'm at it, here are a couple of non-film related events I'd like to mention before I forget again: 1) Bellezza of Dolce Bellezza is holding her Japanese Literature Challenge 6 until January 2013.  I'll be reading at least two works for this: Haruki Murakami's Kafka en la orilla (see the rad cover below) + another title to be decided on later (leading candidates at the moment: Ryunosuke Akutagawa's Rashomon and Other Stories, Mishima's The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, and Soseki Natsume's Kokoro).  Good choices or could I do even better?  2) Dwight of A Common Reader will be hosting a readalong of Benito Pérez Galdós' 1887 Fortunata and Jacinta in October.  Although I'm really looking forward to this, I'm more than a little put out to discover that the Spanish editions of the novel are about twice the length of the Penguin translation for some reason.  WTF, man/hombre?

July Foreign Film Reviews

August Foreign Film Reviews
  • Film (dir. Samuel Beckett, USA, 1965; reviewer: Dwight)
  • Pornografia (dir. Jan Jakub Kolski, Poland, 2003; reviewer: Dwight)
  • The Desert of the Tartars [Il deserto dei tartari] (dir. Valerio Zurlini, Italy, 1976; reviewer: Dwight)

Haruki Murakami's Kafka en la orilla (2002)

4 comentarios:

  1. What what? You're thinking of a break from posting? This is an outrage. But I hope you enjoy your time away, looks as if you'll be busy...

    1. Helen, what can I say? I'm an outrageous kind of guy! Don't know when my posting break will really take place, though, since there's stuff I want to write about even though a break sounds nice right now. Cheers!

  2. What's this about a little blog break? I'll miss you...

    Love, love, love Kafka on The Shore. It's the first novel of Murakami's that I ever read, and I've since read it twice. It's that good. What an interesting cover on your edition; there are a lot of cats in it, but I wouldn't have said that's the main theme. I'm loking forward to your thoughts when you get to it. As to your other ideas, I haven't read them personally so I can't advocate them, nor persuade you from them.

    Just glad you're participating.

    1. Thanks for the sentiments, Bellezza, and for sharing your thoughts on Kafka on the Shore. Hope to get to that one soon, but the two Frenchmen we're reading together are taking up a lot of my time due to my sluggish French reading pace and all (also, I just re-started War and Peace for a group read that I am now almost a full year late for...poor time management, poor time management). Cheers!
