
domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

The Argentinean Literature of Doom: Año 2: November Links

The Argentinean Literature of Doom: Año 2, currently starring noted thespians César Aira, Fogwill, Martín Kohan, Silvina Ocampo, Néstor Perlongher, Juan José Saer, and César Aira yet again, continues its off-, off-, off-Broadway run throughout the month of December.  Please feel free to catch a show or, failing that, to catch up with any of the life-affirming extravaganzas you missed in November via the links below.  Thanks to ALoD:A2 impresarios Rise and Tom for contributing César Aira pieces for this year's series.

P.S. As a reminder to anybody still mulling it over, I'll be hosting a year-long Ibero-American Readalong beginning in January and February 2014 with a reread of Roberto Bolaño's 2666.  Details at the link above--hope you can join me/us for a group read title or two as the year unwinds or challenge me to read an "Ibero-American" book with you sometime in 2014.  That'd be cool.  Later.

Amateur Reader (Tom), Wuthering Expectations

Richard, Caravana de recuerdos
Help a él by Fogwill
El limonero real by Juan José Saer
Bahía Blanca by Martín Kohan
"Evita vive" by Néstor Perlongher

Rise, in lieu of a field guide

6 comentarios:

  1. So tempted to join you for 2666. I even own a hardcover edition of my own, this from a woman who has failed to appreciate Bolano's work despite your best efforts to educate me. In January I'll be finishing my own Japanese Literature Challenge 7, for which I've been sadly lacking reviews, but February? Sounds like a good time to try Bolano's 2666. xo

    1. Bellezza, it'd be nice to have you join in if you're up for it. However, I won't push you since I know how much you hated what you read of B's The Savage Detectives! P.S. Will be joining you and Tony for at least one J-Lit read in January to be determined. Cheers!

    2. Hooray! And I remember how much you disliked Kafka on the Shore. Still, it's good to be friends, and I will at least try 2666. Perhaps you can explain the tough bits? :)

  2. Um, I mean my own reviews for the JLC7 not anyone else's. :)

  3. A good haul for any month. Very happy to participate. As Doom goes, Aira is pretty easy readin'.

    1. Tom, that's the spirit! "Pretty easy readin'" or not, I appreciate the company, though. Cheers!
