
viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

The 2014 Caravana de recuerdos Ibero-American Readalong: January Links

Thanks in large part to the first half of our 2666 group read, which is in full effect in NWA-speak, the 2014 Caravana de recuerdos Ibero-American Readalong got off to a running start despite my own beginning of the year reading torpor.  Here are the links from the bomb ass bloggers who joined me in taking a turn at the mike this month.

Bellezza, Dolce Bellezza

Richard, Caravana de recuerdos
Las Hortensias by Felisberto Hernández
2666 by Roberto Bolaño

Rise, in lieu of a field guide

Sarah, what we have here is a failure to communicate

Images: Roberto Arlt en français! 
Bitchin' covers of Les sept fous [original title: Los siete locos; English title: The Seven Madmen] and Les lance-flammes [original title: Los lanzallamas; English title: _____ ] become even more bitchin' when you stop to consider that the latter novel has yet to make it into English after 80+ years.  English language publishers, tsk, tsk.

2 comentarios:

  1. I have always wanted to be a bomb ass blogger, if not a bitchin' one! xo

    Off to see what Rise and Sarah have written. Thanks, Richard for being our host, and I'll have to see if I can get my hands on the Arlt novel. That, or brush up on my French.

    1. Arlt's The Seven Madmen is a wild ride, Bellezza, but it's such a wild ride that I'd encourage you to maybe read up on it before buying it: it was pretty in your face for a novel written in 1929! Miguel is another fan of the novel, though, as is Tom/Amateur Reader who wrote about it over at Wuthering Expectations a couple of years ago. Glad to be participating in the Bolaño readalong with you, and glad that your rap/blogger ambitions have finally been realized at last. :D
