
domingo, 27 de julio de 2014

Spanish Lit Month 2014: 7/20-7/26 Links

As some of you might already know, my partner in crime for Spanish Lit Month 2014, Stu of Winstonsdad's Blog, recently announced that he'll be "carrying on a bit into August" with his reading and writing for the event.  Wonderful news!  I must confess that I was particularly happy to hear that because 1) I wish every month were Spanish Lit Month, and 2) I seem to have fallen way off the pace to finish Guillermo Cabrera Infante's Tres tristes tigres [Three Trapped Tigers] in time for this week's scheduled group read of the book.  With that in mind, I've decided to join Stu in postponing the closing ceremonies for Spanish Lit Month until the end of the first couple of weeks of August.  You're of course welcome to carry on with Stu and me or fall off by the wayside as you see fit, but for the purposes of these SLM 2014 weekly link round-ups, I'll continue to collect any/all Spanish language literature posts people put up through August 14th or until whenever I finish the Cabrera Infante novel for the group read--whichever comes later.  Slackers who have yet to participate in Spanish Lit Month: there's still plenty of time--we got your back!

Bellezza, Dolce Bellezza
The Tunnel by Ernesto Sabato

Grant, 1streading's Blog
The Return by Roberto Bolaño
The Islands by Carlos Gamerro

JacquiWine, JacquiWine's Journal
Severina by Rodrigo Rey Rosa

Mel U, The Reading Life
"True Milk" by Aixa de la Cruz
"Clara" by Roberto Bolaño

Miguel, St. Orberose
The Fragrance of Guava: Conversations with Gabriel García Márquez by Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza

Richard, Caravana de recuerdos
"La gallina degollada" by Horacio Quiroga
"El matadero" by Esteban Echeverría
Nadie nada nunca by Juan José Saer

Stu, Winstonsdad's Blog
In Search of Klingsor by Jorge Volpi
Lizard Tails by Juan Marsé
Outlaws by Javier Cercas
Leaf Storm by Gabriel García Márquez

Tony, Tony's Reading List
Dead Stars by Álvaro Bisama

Tony Messenger, Messengers Booker (and more)
Monsieur Pain by Roberto Bolaño

14 comentarios:

  1. Great news! I've got Liveforever by Andrés Caicedo (tr. by Frank Wynne) coming up later this week. I'm not sure if you're aware of Biblibio's Women in Translation (#WITMonth) running in August? I've just finished reading Valeria Luiselli's Sidewalks (with the aim of tying it in with WITMonth), so I'll aim to post my review by 14th August.

    1. Jacqui, happy to hear that the extra time might come in handy for you. I am aware of the WIT event and have been mulling over whether to join in myself or just to follow it from the sidelines (I think the discussions will be interesting, but I'm on the fence right now because Biblibio doesn't seem all that responsive to comments that are left on his/her blog). In any event, I look forward to seeing what you decide to read/review next month whatever the occasion!

  2. Yay, Spanish Lit Month.5! Good news. Three days left in July seemed like an awfully short time in which to post about a novel that took me the first 27 days of the month to read.

    1. Scott, glad to hear that the overtime seems of use to you as well. But 27 days? Well, I guess it wasn't Lazarillo de Tormes! La Regenta maybe? Cheers!

    2. La Regenta it was. What do you win?

    3. My great (i.e. not at all humble) guess should allow me to parade around with one of those smug, self-satisfied Salman Rushdie smirks for the duration of Spanish Lit Month! Failing that, I would of course "settle" for a great review of La Regenta whenever you get the chance to put the pen to paper so to speak. Cheers!

  3. Oh, that's good news--I might get one more book finished after all! I still need to post on my second read, too. By the way, my own time management issues mean that I read all of your Spanish lit month posts yesterday, but am taking the lazy way out of just commenting here. I enjoyed them all! Though you certainly have read a very…interesting…selection of books/stories.

    1. Amanda, glad to hear you might have another SLM post or two in you! As far as my so-called "interesting" line-up of reading choices this month, 1) thanks for reading all the posts, and 2) I guess you're probably referring to the Quiroga and Echeverría short stories? El burlador de Sevilla might have been the weirdest of all, of course, but you knew that already. LOL. Cheers!

  4. OK great, I've just flogged myself to write a post on A Heart So White and get it up before the end of SLM and now I read this! Thanks a bunch, Richard! :)

    1. Ha ha, "sorry," Helen. But if it's any consolation, now you have time to flog yourself into reading and writing about an entirely different book for the overtime session of Spanish Lit Month! Will be by to check out your post soon.

    2. Heh, every cloud etc. etc. I do have a couple of possibilities in mind...

      And a belated thank-you to you and Stu for hosting, I've been reading some fascinating posts for SLM.

    3. You're very welcome, Helen, and thank you for joining us despite your apprehensions early on! I'm glad to hear that you've been enjoying the SLM posts; there have been some exceptional ones indeed, and I'll have another week's worth of links to share this Sunday. Cheers!

  5. Sorry I missed this, but have been out of commission for a while. I think I would have re-read La Regenta, one of my top 5 reads in the past decade, just to get the word out on it again.

    Thanks for the roundup!

    1. No worries, Dwight, and I'm glad to hear that you are/will be back in blogging commission soon. You're very welcome about the round-up, of course, and there should be another one up before bedtime Sunday night. Cheers!
