
domingo, 12 de julio de 2015

Spanish Lit Month 2015: 7/5-7/11 Links

With the first week and a half of SLM 2015 now in the books, I'd like to thank everybody who's participated so far and everybody who's said that they'll be participating later in the month.  After a rather sluggish start of my own, I hope to increase the Spanish-language posting pace here over the next couple of weeks.  In the meantime, two of the more interesting factoids to emerge from last week's SLM reviews are that Rise and Tony exercised their rights to bend the Spanish language emphasis/focus/rules to add works originally composed in Valencian/Catalan and Galician to the mix and that the time range of books reviewed for the event now extends from 1490 to 2013 and presently includes writers from Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru in addition to "New Spain" and Spain.  Nice going so far, ¡damas y caballeros!

Amateur Reader (Tom), Wuthering Expectations

Bellezza, Dolce Bellezza
Spanish Literature Month...Another Reason I Love to Blog in July

Grant, 1streading's Blog
Out in the Open by Jesús Carrasco

JacquiWine, JacquiWine's Journal
All Souls by Javier Marías

Melissa Beck, The Book Binder's Daughter
The One Before by Juan José Saer

Richard, Caravana de recuerdos
Historia de la Monja Alférez, Catalina de Erauso, escrita por ella misma by Catalina de Erauso

Rise, in lieu of a field guide
Tirante el Blanco by Joanot Martorell

Stu, Winstonsdad's Blog
Uppsala Woods by Álvaro Colomer
Marks of Identity by Juan Goytisolo

Tony, Tony's Reading List
One Million Cows by Manuel Rivas

10 comentarios:

  1. I'm following your suggestion and I'm reading a Catalan novel. Mercè Rodoreda 's Jardí vora el mar - in the German translation. I don't think it exists in English. It's fantastic. I hope I'll finish soon and get to the review next week.

    1. So glad to hear that, Caroline. Great writer! I might read Rodoreda's Mirall trencat later in the month, but now I'm really looking forward to your review!

  2. I might get some reviews up this week. I am reading lots of Spanish stuff, just many books at once as usual. A month isn't enough time though.

    1. Obooki, then I'll see if I can get Stu to extend Spanish Lit Month into August again this year. I agree one month is too little time! Looking forward to your reviews as always, esp. since you always seem to have a surprise or two in store.

  3. How pathetic that I only had a link to my intentions...the road to hell is paved with good intentions, is it not? :)

    However, I am loving Javier Marias' A Heart So White and hope to have a review up soon.

    (Oh, how I wish for a healthy mouth from surgery and a longer month! xo)

    1. Belleza, I don't think there's anything "pathetic" about your enthusiasm in that post--plus, you still have over half a month to go to work in a review! That Javier Marías isn't my favorite of his, but it's very good and used to be considered one of his best along with Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me. Anyway, happy reading and hope you feel better soon!

    2. Thanks, Richard, and the more I read of it (A Heart so White) the more inclined I am to say I prefer The Infatuations.

      Also, may I say that last year I bought Three Trapped Tigers by Infante and while I never wrote a review for it, I enjoyed it very much. The characters seemed to live and breathe, and they were so diverse from one another. I appreciate that suggestion from you as well, though I'm remiss in telling you sooner.

  4. I have just discovered your blog and this meme, and would like to join in. I'll be reviewing "La Isla de los Amores Infinitos" ("The Island of Eternal Love" in translation). This is a novel by Cuban author Daina Chaviano. I've already started reading it, and it's totally fascinating! My review will be up toward the end of the month, at MindSpirit Book Journeys.

    Thanks for this great idea! Happy Reading!

    1. Welcome to the blog, Maria, and to Spanish Lit Month while we're at it! Glad to have you join us, and I've added your blog to the SLM 2015 master list from the June announcement of the event. I'm not familiar with Chaviano, but I'm glad to hear you're enjoying her novel and I'll be looking forward to your review. Cheers!

    2. Thanks, Richard! I'm so happy to be joining this terrific event!!
