
martes, 31 de diciembre de 2013

21 golazos de 2013

1) Los Fantasmas, de César Aira (1990)
reseña pendiente [review pending]

2) Le Colonel Chabert, de Honoré de Balzac (1832)

3) Woodcutters, de Thomas Bernhard (1984)

4) El sueño de los héroes, de Adolfo Bioy Casares (1954)

5) Life and Fate, de Vasily Grossman (1960)
Introduction + Links

6) Gran Sertón: Veredas #1 y #2, de João Guimarães Rosa (1956)

entradas afines [related posts]
"¿Epopeya del sertón, Torre de Babel o manual de satanismo?"
"Prólogo" to Gran Sertón: Veredas
"Recepción en España de Gran sertón: veredas"
"The Contemporary Brazilian Novel"
"JOÃO GUIMARÃES ROSA, or the Third Bank of the River"

7) The Ambassadors, de Henry James (1903)

8-17) Los Diez mejores Goles, de Lionel Messi (sin fecha)

18) Para una tumba sin nombre, de Juan Carlos Onetti (1959)

19) The Radetzky March, de Joseph Roth (1932)

20) El limonero real, de Juan José Saer (1974)

21) The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, de Muriel Spark (1961)

*en orden alfabético por autor [in alphabetical order by author]*

20 comentarios:

  1. I've read a few of those this year (none of Messi's goals though, alas) ;)

    1. Tony, it was a great year for reading--and for Messi. Happy New Year to you!

  2. A very intriguing and worthwhile list. I want to get to many of these books myself when I can.

    I really enjoyed your commentary on Gran Sertón: Veredas earlier this year.

    1. Happy New Year to you, Brian, and thanks for your kind comments on those Guimarães Rosa posts. Fun to write--but a pain to link to! By the way, I hope to follow your lead and join you in mixing in several more histories next year (2013 was a failure for me in that regard, but the fiction was so good I won't dwell on that screw-up). Cheers!

  3. Such a weird list. Where are the young adult books? (LOLOLOL)

    1. Jill, what Caroline says. Well, seriously, I might have had one YA novel on the list if I hadn't backed out of reading Lolita in late December! Anyway, Happy New Year to you, my shape-shifting friend!!

  4. rhapsodyinbooks - He didn't read any Margo Lanagan this year - that's why there are none.
    Happy New Year, Richard.

    1. Caroline, you people just won't let me forget poor Margo Lanagan! Which is kind of funny--I mean, c'mon, "moon babs"!--except that every time someone mentions that Australian nightmare, I almost feel retrospectively guilty for the mass crying parties that supposedly erupted worldwide after my mean post (the horror, the horror). In any event, Bonne année à toi aussi!

  5. Interesante listado y goles sensacionales. Eu no pudo con el gran serton que seguro abordaré en 2014.
    feliz 2014 Richard

    1. Mario, gracias por visitar y feliz 2014 a vos también. Gran Sertón me enganchó desde el principio, pero sospecho que sea un libro que se requiere una cierta medida de paciencia por parte de algunos lectores. De todos modos, espero que vos tendrás un muy buen año de lecturas en 2014. Un abrazo.

  6. Looks like an ace year. That's the reading goal.

    1. Rise, very "punny"! The year was so good, in fact, that I decided to dispense with listing any runners-up because there were just too many of them. Happy New Year to you, and thanks again for rereading GS:V with all us Guimarães Rosa rookies--that was a blast!

  7. A fabulous 2013, and here's hopes for a fabulous 2014 for you! Like I remarked over on my blog, I had no idea you read the James. I'll have to be better about keeping up with your posting in future.

  8. Thanks for the kind words, Scott, and a best of 2014 to you as well. I have James' The Wings of the Dove all lined up and ready to go for sometime in 2014, but I'm still pretty astounded at how great The Ambassadors was. It might have even been my very favorite of the entire year if I'd had to decide on just one, but thank goodness I didn't have to. Cheers!

    1. I might join you for The Wings of the Dove - it's on my pile of long-unread books. The James of c.1900 will feel like a relief from the James of 1914.

    2. Obooki, that'd be cool--just let me know when/if you might want to read the James and/or the Saer that you mentioned in November (I'm not in a hurry to read either book, but it'd be nice to have the company). The James of 1914 gives a whole new meaning to "late James" given that I thought he'd stopped writing by then until I checked on Wikipedia!

    3. A Small Boy and Others was certainly my hardest read in 2013 (and that's a year that includes Ulysses). I'm actually looking forward to my own review of it.

    4. Will keep my eye out for that review then. 2014 should be the year of Dubliners for me at last, esp. since I enjoyed what I read from it last year (don't know why I read so many lesser books instead of finishing it).

  9. *sigh* I think I've found a few more I'd like to read from that list. Now when I'll get to them…

    Here's hoping 2014 is as fun and interesting!

    1. Thanks for the thoughts, Dwight--I won't be able to complain at all if 2014 is anything like 2013 was in the reading department, but I understand the ongoing concern about finding enough time for all the good stuff. Speaking of which, I still have audio of Life and Fate to look forward to. How exciting. Cheers!
