miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2008
Lila Says

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2008
"La Libertat"
sábado, 22 de marzo de 2008
Pre-Noir Noir
Directed by Julien Duvivier
France, 1937
In French with English subtitles
While a little less philosophical than a few of the other Criterion films I've seen of late, 1937's Pépé le Moko more than makes up for that with a stripped-down story that's just wildly entertaining instead. Sort of a pre-noir film noir, this black-and-white classic follows its suave but criminal antihero (Jean Gabin in a deservedly-legendary performance) through the "lice-infested" alleyways and mazes of Algiers' Casbah as he dodges the police, woos wayward women, and exudes charisma at every turn. A chance meeting with a beautiful Parisian society woman (Mireille Balin) leads to a love triangle between the gangster, the woman in pearls, and Pépé's equally attractive but desperately jealous Gypsy girlfriend Inés (Line Noro) that will eventually put the underworld kingpin's freedom at risk, but the story is told with such narrative and visual force that you end up rooting for characters you know are probably doomed from the start. Great fun throughout--but a cautionary tale for anyone who believes in love at first sight! (http://www.criterion.com/)

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2008
The Spirit of the Beehive

El espíritu de la colmena (2006 DVD)
(The Spirit of the Beehive)
Dirigida por Víctor Erice
España, 1973
En español con subtítulos en inglés
El espíritu de la colmena es un auténtico clásico del cine de autor español, una obra maestra al mismo nivel que Cría cuervos de Carlos Saura (1975). Rodeada en los últimos años de la dictadura de Franco, la película nos lleva a un rincón de Castilla hacia 1940 en las condiciones que resultaron de la Guerra Civil. Con esta época como el telón de foro, un viaje interior empieza que llama la atención a las fronteras entre la realidad y la ficción y entre la vida y la muerte. El acercamiento a estos temas es tan magistral que el resultado es un film lleno de belleza y poesía.

Este viaje interior se narra por medio del punto de vista de una niña, Ana (Ana Torrent, magnífica como siempre, arriba). Después de haber visto el estreno de Frankenstein en su pueblo, Ana se da cuenta de la presencia de la muerte por primera vez. Perpleja, ella se sumerge en un mundo de fantasía donde cree que puede triunfar sobre la muerte por fuerza de su propia voluntad. Un encuentro con un guerrillero del maquis provoca otro cambio importante en Ana, pero no se trata de un argumento al estilo película de género. De hecho, el desarrollo paciente de los eventos por parte de Erice es tan lento y tan sublime que casi cada escena parece representar una lucha a muerte entre la realidad y la irrealidad.

El DVD de Criterion viene con dos discos, uno con la película y otro con varias extras. Intentaré escribir un post sobre el segundo disco antes del fin de semana, ¡pero no les prometo nada! (http://www.criterion.com/)
martes, 18 de marzo de 2008
Carmen Belen Lord on Modernisme in Barcelona and Sitges

sábado, 15 de marzo de 2008
Canso d'Antioca II
The Canso d'Antioca: An Occitan Epic Chronicle of the First Crusade
Translated and edited by Carol Sweetenham and Linda M. Paterson
The Canso d'Antioca, composed by the Limousin miles Gregory of Bechada of the castle of Lastours sometime early in the 12th century, is an Occitan chronicle on the First Crusade that was once celebrated for its length and vigor. Sadly, what's left of the work now--a mere 19 laisses containing 714 lines of verse, themselves the victims of extensive remaniement according to Sweetenham and Paterson--can easily be read in the time it takes to wash and dry your clothes in a public laundromat. Hardly the stuff of epic legend!
If the Canso's almost complete disappearance over the course of the years was certainly unlucky from both cultural and linguistic points of view, we're very fortunate to have the remaining fragment--discovered at Roda in Aragón in the 19th century and now preserved in Madrid's Real Academia de la Historia --available in this English translation presented side by side with the old Occitan. Part chanson de geste/part historical narrative, the so-called "Madrid fragment" is a hybrid beast that seems to represent one of western Europe's earliest surviving attempts at vernacular historiography--and in poetry at that.
While the passages that are still extant are a little unimpressive from a purely literary standpoint (i.e. don't read them expecting a mini-Cantar de Mio Cid or a Chanson de Roland junior), the careful study that accompanies the translation helps make up for that by considering the fragment's textual history, the "vernacular epic tradition of the First Crusade," the poem's value as history, and the intersection between poetry and history in vernacular literature of the era. Heady stuff for those interested in medieval, Occitan or medieval Occitan letters and an impeccably-researched tribute to a poem almost lost in the mists of time.
Sweetenham, Carol and Linda M. Paterson, eds. The Canso d'Antioca: An Occitan Epic Chronicle of the First Crusade. Aldershot and Burlington: Ashgate, 2003. (http://www.ashgate.com/)
miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2008
Army of Shadows

Army of Shadows (2007 DVD)
(L'Armée des ombres)
Directed by Jean-Pierre Melville
France and Italy, 1969
In French with English subtitles
Third knockout in a row I've seen from the famous cowboy hat-wearing iconoclast Melville. While sandwiched in time in between two of his excellent gangster films, Le Samouraï (1967) and Le Cercle rouge (1970), the recently-restored L'Armée actually has to do with an altogether different type of shadow world: the French Resistance in the German-occupied France of 1942-43. Based on Joseph Kessel's autobiographical novel of the same name, this movie works as well as a thriller as it does as a morally-complex remembrance of troubled times. From its powerful opening scene (a shot of goose-stepping Nazis slowly turning in front of the Arc de Triomphe before heading down the Champs Élysées for their daily parade, seemingly hell-bent on a collison course with the camera and--by extension--the spectator) to its equally devastating final frame (an outcome I won't reveal here), the film immerses you in a grim, paranoiac world where the lines between heroism, savagery, and even justice aren't always totally clear (since both "patriots" and "traitors" suffer at the hands of their captors during the course of the film, the DVD cover's image of a man slumped over in a chair with his hands tied behind his back is a lot more ambiguous than it might seem at first glance). An exceptional film, aided and abetted by an outstanding cast and with a haunting score by Eric Demarsan. (http://www.criterion.com/)
lunes, 10 de marzo de 2008
Canso d'Antioca I

Because of my interest in older Occitan literature, though, I've also been reading a translation of the twelfth-century Canso d'Antioca put out by Carol Sweetenham and Linda M. Paterson a few years back. While I don't have my "review" ready just yet, it's no secret that this epic from the Lemosin (French Limousin) deals with the crusaders' victory at Antioch during the course of the First Crusade. In anticipation of a follow-up post on the work later in the week, here's the first six verses from the opening laisse of the poem. I hope it gives those who might be new to the language at least a little taste of medieval Occitan's inherent aesthetic "coolness."
[On the Friday morning they drew up the order of battle,
sábado, 8 de marzo de 2008
The Baron in the Trees

(Il Barone Rampante)
by Italo Calvino
Italy, 1957
miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2008

Dirigida por José Luis García Agraz
México, 1993
En español con subtítulos en inglés
Un melodrama poco elegante sobre un cineasta chilango y sus varias luchas con el alcoholismo, el fin de su matrimonio, y algunos recuerdos dolorosos relacionados con la muerte de su padre. Aunque el largometraje fue premiado con tres Arieles mexicanos incluyendo los de mejor dirección y mejor argumento original, yo diría que es una obra de nivel telenovela más que nada. Hay una parte particularmente ridícula que tiene que ver con una película dentro de la película, que presenta al personaje del padre del protagonista en el papel de un conquistador del siglo XVI, pero lo peor es que la música de fondo enfatiza los aspectos más "tristes" del guión con la sutileza de un martillo. Una peli olvidable y sobreestimada. (http://www.desertmountainmedia.com/)
martes, 4 de marzo de 2008
Barcelona, the Catalan Renaixença, and Francesc Fontbona
I went to a great exhibit on "Barcelona and Modernity" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York last year and finally picked up the hefty catalogue for the exhibition earlier this year. Since Barcelona is my favorite city anywhere in the world at the moment, this $65 (and nearly 65-pound!) tome on some of its marvels should provide lots of armchair entertainment while I pay down the credit cards enough to arrange another proper visit. For now, it'll have to do.
Claudi Lorenzale i Sugrañes: Creació de l'escut de Barcelona, 1843-44
This canvas by Claudi Lorenzale i Sugrañes, referred to as The Origin of the Coat of Arms of the House of Barcelona in figure 1 of Fontbona's article, "shows the moment when, according to legend, Charles the Bald (Charles II of France) dipped his fingers into a bloody wound suffered by the Catalan count Wilfred the Hairy and drew them across the count's gold shield, thereby creating, so tradition has it, the national flag of Catalonia, which consists of four red bars on a yellow field" (Fontbona, 23). I had heard the story about the Catalan flag's origins before, but I wasn't aware of this particular painting about it until I came across it in the catalogue today. In his brief study (the first of two on the Catalan Renaixença in the work), Fontbona places it in its historic context in a way that should appeal to art lovers, to people interested in Catalan history, and--truth be told--to those who just feel like mentioning Wilfred the Hairy every once in a while. A great name like that should never go out of style!